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SCAD Catalog Cover Contest

Showcase one’s talent to audiences all over the world by submitting your exemplary artwork for a chance to be featured on the 2017-2018 SCAD academic catalog cover — and to win $2,000 VISA® Gift Card.


Online Submission


Concept I Photography I AR Design

2017-18 SCAD Catalog Cover Winning Entry (133 Entries Total)

My Dad, Rich Sommers was responsible for creating and manufacturing laser coatings, dichroics, special conductive transparent films and custom coatings in the 70’s and 80’s.

These popular coatings are utilized on glass jewelry, decorative ribbons, reflective handbags, contemporary fashions, home furnishings and more.

Using a Canon EOS 5D Mark II, I shot this plastic dichoric film I requested from Berwick Industries.

All images were shot in RAW and then download into Adobe Lightroom. Note: For this contest there were TOO MANY CHOICES!

Aqua lighting and seating chart

Other design options.

Corresponding AR was the interactive part of the academic catalog.